
Title Updated Link to edit content
Icons to illustrate titles 2020/11/23 – 10:21
dictaphone 2020/04/20 – 18:06
Crossroads, hangman: possible future H5P features? 2019/12/18 – 23:29
IFRAME EMBEDDER no scrolling possible? 2019/12/13 – 22:29
Is there an activity to sort out items into groups? 2019/11/27 – 18:25
Is there an activity to sequence processes? 2019/11/27 – 18:20
Is there an activity to sequence processes? 2019/11/27 – 16:23
Fill in the gaps freezes whole H5P 2019/10/28 – 16:45
How do you turn H5P exercices into a public mode? 2018/06/06 – 02:28
How do you turn H5P exercices into a public mode? 2018/06/05 – 15:54
Learnybox LMS & H5P 2018/06/04 – 23:34
Looking for a performance tracking tool/plugin for Moodle 2018/02/09 – 14:04
Wrong score displayed 2017/05/19 – 09:43
Drap and drop displaced 2016/10/21 – 18:06
Questions don't show at all 2016/07/25 – 18:32
The star doesn't show at all 2016/07/25 – 18:22
exercices don't show up 2016/05/30 – 09:18
The solution star replaced by a square 2016/05/24 – 15:32
Retry button 2016/03/31 – 22:24
Case sensitive 2016/03/24 – 12:20
H5P and Opigno 2016/01/26 – 16:11
End user registration 2015/12/18 – 06:51
Trainee interface 2015/12/18 – 06:50