h5p file not found

Hello, I need you to guide me because I have not been able to solve the issue, I have investigated in documents and not found the answer, I am working on localhost, to present content, I have all the h5p plugins that I found installed in moodle, and when I do the activity and I try to call it to show it, I get this error, can someone tell me what happens? I would like to generate content without using the iframe of h5p.org but something more native to the platform, is there any way or it depends on the server and iframes external, thank you!

Moodle 3.9.6+

BV52's picture

Hi Gerard3,

In order to give your bug report the best chance of getting answered, please include the following information:

  1. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen)
  2. Platform and version number. E.g. Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle.
  3. Mobile or Desktop
  4. Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc
  5. H5P plugin version
  6. H5P content type and version (if a content type was used), and a sample URL or attached H5P.
  7. Any browser console errors
  8. Any PHP errors

The more information you provide, the quicker the community will be able to fix it and the quicker you'll have a working solution!


Hello, thanks for answering, I am working on localhost to upload a more defined moodle platform to the server, it is a test environment for now, I am doing some practical with H5P, my activities are interactive books, 360 ° virtual tour, agamotto, stage branched, iframe embedder, interactive video. With all this, what I want is for the student to carry out projects, I started with -> virtual tour 360 ° I created it, -> I saved it in browse repositories, -> up load file, I loaded the file and I saved it, with the h5p button of the text editor, and I embedded it. in a window and there the message H5P appears, only the logo with the gray background and then what I mentioned above happens when I try to visualize it. NOTHING !!! I show it at the front of the MOODLE page with a plugin https://moodle.org/plugins/local_pages version: MOODLE 3.9.6 device: desktop win 10 browser: chrome, microsoft edge, opera local server: xampp v.3.2.4 h5p version: all plugins for moodel 3.9.6 Interactive Content - H5P version 1.22.0 (2021040800) H5P content types-version 1.0.5 (2020071507) H5P Filter-version 1.2 (Build: 2020061100) (2020061100) this is what appears in the microsoft edge browser console <div class = "h5p-placeholder" contenteditable = "false"> <iframe src = "http: //localhost/moodle-39/moodle/h5p/embed.php? url = http% 3A% 2F% 2Flocalhost% 2Fmoodle- 39% 2Fmoodle% 2Fpluginfile.php% 2F1% 2Flocal_pages% 2Fpagecontent% 2Finteractive-video-2-618% 2520% 25281% 2529.h5p & amp; time = 1618621318025 & amp; export = 1 & amp; embed = 1 & amp; copyright = 1 "class =" h5p -iframe applied-disablement "name =" h5pcontent "style =" height: 230px; width: 100%; border: 0; " allowfullscreen = "allowfullscreen"> </iframe> <script src = "http: //localhost/moodle-39/moodle/h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/core/js/h5p-resizer.js"> </script> </div> <script src = "http: //localhost/moodle-39/moodle/h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/core/js/h5p-resizer.js"> </script> The console shows no errors ... -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ installed libraries CKEditor wrapper / loader for H5P 1.0.2 Crossroads 1.3.13 Drag N Bar 1.5.12 Drag N Drop 1.1.5 Drag Question Editor 1.10.13 Drag'N Resize 1.2.6 Drop 1.0.2 Embedded JS 1.0.4 Flowplayer 1.0.5 Font Awesome 4.5.4 Free Text Question 1.0.12 Go To Scene 0.1.0 Guided tour 1.0.5 H5P Editor Audio Recorder 1.0.5 H5P Editor Range List 1.0.11 H5P Editor Single Choice Set Textual Editor 1.0.8 H5P Editor Summary Textual Editor 1.1.10 H5P Editor Table List 1.0.4 H5P Editor Vertical Tabs 1.3.7 H5P.FontIcons 1.0.6 H5PEditor.ColorSelector 1.2.6 H5PEditor.ColorSelector 1.3.0 H5PEditor.Duration 1.1.12 H5PEditor.ImageCoordinateSelector 1.2.5 H5PEditor.RadioGroup 1.1.4 H5PEditor.Wizard 1.2.15 Image 1.1.10 Interactive Video Editor 1.22.2 Joubel UI 1.3.10 Label 1.0.14 Link 1.3.15 Navigation Hotspot 1.2.14 Open Ended Question 1.0.20 Question 1.4.8 Shepherd 1.0.3 Simple Multi Choice 1.1.15 Sound js api 1.0.2 Table 1.1.16 Tether 1.0.2 Text 1.1.11 Text 1.1.15 Text Utilities 1.3.0 Three Image Editor 0.3.3 Three Sixty 0.3.2 three.js 1.0.101 Timecode Editor 1.2.12 Toggle visibility of a field based on rules 1.0.5 Toggle visibility of fields when selecting options in list 1.1.1 Transition 1.0.4 UI 1.10.19 Url Field 1.2.2 Video 1.5.14 volume_upcontent_copy sharestar_border

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Paneles laterales

Hello, thanks for answering, I am working on localhost to upload a more defined moodle platform to the server, it is a test environment for now, I am doing some practical with H5P, my activities are interactive books, 360 ° virtual tour, agamotto, stage branched, iframe embedder, interactive video. With all this, what I want is for the student to carry out projects, I started with -> virtual tour 360 ° I created it, -> I saved it in browse repositories, -> up load file, I loaded the file and I saved it, with the h5p button of the text editor, and I embedded it. in a window and there the message H5P appears, only the logo with the gray background and then what I mentioned above happens when I try to visualize it. NOTHING !!! I show it at the front of the MOODLE page with a plugin https://moodle.org/plugins/local_pages version: MOODLE 3.9.6 device: desktop win 10 browser: chrome, microsoft edge, opera local server: xampp v.3.2.4 h5p version: all plugins for moodel 3.9.6 Interactive Content - H5P version 1.22.0 (2021040800) H5P content types-version 1.0.5 (2020071507) H5P Filter-version 1.2 (Build: 2020061100) (2020061100) this is what appears in the microsoft edge browser console <div class = "h5p-placeholder" contenteditable = "false"> <iframe src = "http: //localhost/moodle-39/moodle/h5p/embed.php? url = http% 3A% 2F% 2Flocalhost% 2Fmoodle- 39% 2Fmoodle% 2Fpluginfile.php% 2F1% 2Flocal_pages% 2Fpagecontent% 2Finteractive-video-2-618% 2520% 25281% 2529.h5p & amp; time = 1618621318025 & amp; export = 1 & amp; embed = 1 & amp; copyright = 1 "class =" h5p -iframe applied-disablement "name =" h5pcontent "style =" height: 230px; width: 100%; border: 0; " allowfullscreen = "allowfullscreen"> </iframe> <script src = "http: //localhost/moodle-39/moodle/h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/core/js/h5p-resizer.js"> </script> </div> <script src = "http: //localhost/moodle-39/moodle/h5p/h5plib/v124/joubel/core/js/h5p-resizer.js"> </script> The console shows no errors ... -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ installed libraries CKEditor wrapper / loader for H5P 1.0.2 Crossroads 1.3.13 Drag N Bar 1.5.12 Drag N Drop 1.1.5 Drag Question Editor 1.10.13 Drag'N Resize 1.2.6 Drop 1.0.2 Embedded JS 1.0.4 Flowplayer 1.0.5 Font Awesome 4.5.4 Free Text Question 1.0.12 Go To Scene 0.1.0 Guided tour 1.0.5 H5P Editor Audio Recorder 1.0.5 H5P Editor Range List 1.0.11 H5P Editor Single Choice Set Textual Editor 1.0.8 H5P Editor Summary Textual Editor 1.1.10 H5P Editor Table List 1.0.4 H5P Editor Vertical Tabs 1.3.7 H5P.FontIcons 1.0.6 H5PEditor.ColorSelector 1.2.6 H5PEditor.ColorSelector 1.3.0 H5PEditor.Duration 1.1.12 H5PEditor.ImageCoordinateSelector 1.2.5 H5PEditor.RadioGroup 1.1.4 H5PEditor.Wizard 1.2.15 Image 1.1.10 Interactive Video Editor 1.22.2 Joubel UI 1.3.10 Label 1.0.14 Link 1.3.15 Navigation Hotspot 1.2.14 Open Ended Question 1.0.20 Question 1.4.8 Shepherd 1.0.3 Simple Multi Choice 1.1.15 Sound js api 1.0.2 Table 1.1.16 Tether 1.0.2 Text 1.1.11 Text 1.1.15 Text Utilities 1.3.0 Three Image Editor 0.3.3 Three Sixty 0.3.2 three.js 1.0.101 Timecode Editor 1.2.12 Toggle visibility of a field based on rules 1.0.5 Toggle visibility of fields when selecting options in list 1.1.1 Transition 1.0.4 UI 1.10.19 Url Field 1.2.2 Video 1.5.14 volume_upcontent_copy sharestar_border

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Paneles laterales

BV52's picture

Hi Gerard3,

From your description it looks like you are using the H5P core integration in Moodle. Since this was not created by the H5P core team I suggest that you reach out to the Moodle community through their forums.