Course Presentation

Feature to define text links target removed for some reason

Is there a reason why option to define link target via text editor was removed?

Previously when you created a text field and went to edit it and added a text link with the editor, it offered a target tab to define a target to that the link if you wanted it e.g. to open link in same window/tab instead of new tab. (image attached: option_for_target.png)

Now when you try same it only offers simple link URL and no other options.  (image attached: only_url.png) 

Dimensions of Drag and Drop within a Course Presentation

I'm looking for direction on sizing a drag and drop activity within the Course Presentation tool so that it fits.

I've created a drag and drop activity within the Course Presentation tool but when I view the presentation the drag and drop content is outside the boundary of the Course Presentation canvas so there is a scroll bar on the right (see attached screenshot).
