True False

Accessibility for young children

We are using H5P extensively to create asynchronous game activities for young children (6-10 years old) to learn languages.
The activities work well for children in the 9-11 bracket but the younger children are having difficulties engaging due to not being confident with reading skills, especially with a second language.
We use in majority the Game map layout with true or false activities, dialog cards, videos, image choices and multiple choice activities.
The children are having most difficulties with true or false, and multiple choice.

Any known issues with

I have been building a website (still unpublished/private) on for the past few months and have been experimenting with H5P. I currently have about 10 H5P modules, most of them Dialog Cards, True/False Quizzes, or Flashcards. Everything had been working fine up until about a week ago. By that I mean I could access and edit the modules easily.
