Interactive Video

I want to customize the ui of Component

I want to customize the ui of Component

I've run the command

h5p get  h5p-editor-interactive-video

which downloaded the main component and all its dependencies

Now I Want to edit h5p-editor-interactive-video  js files and rebuild it and get .h5p file by  renaming the .zip file of current directory

Problems i get

1.How to create a content for it to create h5p.json content

Video buffering bug?

I am not sure if this is a bug or not.

 have a background video that is stored on Vimeo and a H5P interactive video project that contains hotspots. When a hotspot is clicked that is linked to another time in the video some of the intermittent screens are displayed before the actual target is displayed.

What is causing this effect? Is there a setting that might prevent this? 

Interactive Videos: Skip to author-defined video time based on user response

I want to prequalify a pull request related to the following:

User story:

As an author I want to be able to direct the user to a specific time in an interactive video based on the answer they give to a question I've given them.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
