Interactive Video

Interactive Video Annotations

I’d like to see the ability to add annotations when logged in to a platform such as Drupal where students can comment in real time along the video, similar to this:

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Creating a new interaction for interactive videos


I need to be able to detect keyboard/mouse interactions during an interactive video, and send people to a timestamp based on the results. (Think left/right click, control + click, things like that). It doesn't feel like extending the existing interactions would make the most sense, but maybe fill in the blanks could be used.

I want to customize the ui of Component

I want to customize the ui of Component

I've run the command

h5p get  h5p-editor-interactive-video

which downloaded the main component and all its dependencies

Now I Want to edit h5p-editor-interactive-video  js files and rebuild it and get .h5p file by  renaming the .zip file of current directory

Problems i get

1.How to create a content for it to create h5p.json content
