Interactive Video

Start/end time error when multiple interactive videos are used in a presentation (moodle plugin)


When more than 1 interactive videos are used in a presentation and I'm trying to edit any video except the last I get an error about the max time of the video.

This affects the moodle plugin used on Totara 9.11.


For example

I have a presentation with Interactive Video 1 (9 minutes) and then interactive Video 2 (1 minute).

Interactive Text Links on Mobile Browsers

Hello there. Just a quck question.

The text link that I added to my video works fine on desktop but the link doesn't work on Chrome Mobile browser for android. The text apears but when you touch it - it just stops the video. Any ideas on what best practrice would be? Or is this a known issue with H5P and smartphone browsers? Ps advise. Thanks
