Course Presentation

Content Type Background Colors

Hello, just a question for the Devs.  Will you be allowing us to control the back ground color of the container?

I want to use the course presentation but the white background of the box is not going to work, I need transparency?

What is the best solution?  Custom CSS of the element or make my own content and control it that way?


Steven Davies

Web Developer Calian Group



Course Presentation Button (Active Surface Mode)


I have a question or a suggestion for the course presentation. I like to use Active Surface Mode because I can use it to create an intuitively usable UI myself. But I find it relatively impractical to have to reassemble the components (icon (picture), text field, shape, go to slide) for each button. Is there a way to simplify that? Either by copying several components at once or the possibility to compose a new component "button" from several components?

Best Regards


Course Presentation size

I wonder if there is any way to change the size of the ‘work surface’ in "Course Presentation". For example, to increase the height of the surface. Thanks in advance! 

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