Course Presentation

How to get some tekst answer from course presentation


I would like to incorporate some tekst field (something like essay) into course presentation.
User wil type a few words into that field, some kind of evaluation which I would like to save with results of some answers from slides before.

Is there some solution?

Thanks in advance.


Course presentation - youtube videos not availble

See if someone here can help.

My youtube videos in course presentation has stopped working after working perfectly for years. I get error video not availble, but not every time, if i update the page it might load. Im guess it might be a setting i need to change at my webhost.

Posted one of the course presentation here, website is in swedish.

It only happends in chrome browser and since my students all have chromebooks its kind of an anoying problem.

Wordpress ver 6.0.2

H5P ver 1.15.4
