Course Presentation

iFrames in Course Presentations (or embedding other h5p objects)

Hello all,

This has probably been requested already - in case it hasn't:

It would be really ideal if we could embed content in course presentations. Specifically, I'd like to embed other h5p objects into a course presentation (i.e. an image hotspot), but this could also be useful for embedding maps, calendars, and other web sites.

Thanks, Yasin

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Course Presentation - override buttons

papi Jo's picture

In the Course Presentation (CP) and also in the Question Set (QS) "behaviour settings" we have 2 "override" options, which work in a similar way, for the "show solution" and "retry" buttons. These options work as expected, but the description could be improved.

In the dropdown list there are 3 choices:

  • "-" (none)
  • "Enabled"
  • "Disabled"

I suggest that a more clear labelling of the options might be:
