Course Presentation

Presentation Text align

I'm workign with the course presentation Content in moodle, when I put some text with center align, when i save it show all text with left align, and when i edit the content it show that all is in left align.


Platform: Moodle
Browser: Chrome 57.0.2987.133
H5P plugin version: 1.1 (then last one)
H5P content type version: CoursePresentation 1.16

xAPI completed setting for Course Presentation needed


I have H5P + Drupal + TinCan xAPI working and I am able to get my statements back from my LRS (Learning Locker)

Currently I am checking for the verb completed but I have noticed that some Course Presentations never get set to "completed" and stay in "attempted" or "progressed" state

This happens when there are no questions in the presentation.

How can I detect that the user viewed the Course Presentation if there are no questions in it?



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