Course Presentation

Tips appearing in Multi choice question on Course Presentation

Hi there,

I am using the course presentation and have included multi choice questions.

Often I am seeing the "tip" icon for the answers when I have never put any info in the tips feild during set up. When I select the "tip" in view mode it is blank but there is still a field? Obviously, I don't want these blank tips through my presentation.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

Thanks in advance :)

Active Surface Course Presentation Scrolls on Touch Devices

Hi All,

We've just finished a website and I've noticed a bug on the active surface course presentation content type.

On any touch-enabled mobile device (tablet or phone), touch any of the slide anchors makes the window scroll. It isn't apparent in simulators like responsive design mode in safari, only on actual touch devices. Take a look here:

Please let me know if I can provide any more information!

Embed iframe in Course Presentation

Hi everyone,

I am new to here. 

I am creating several H5P course presentations now. Does anyone know how to embed an iframe into it? Seems the current editor doesn't allow me to add any iframe. 

Many thanks in advance.

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