Branching Scenario

Branching Scenario - ability to save/load the branching scenario tree in an XML file

Branching Scenario is a great tool. I was wondering if there is a capability to save a branching scenario tree to an XML file, and also be able to load it from an XML file. Branching Scenario is essentially a decision tree, and there are third-party decision tree software tools that can potentially generate XMLs in the Branching Scenario format. This would be a great addition for automatically authoring Branching Scenarios from third-party tools.

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Branching Scenario (and other assignment) connection to Canvas Gradebook

Hello! Apologies if this isn't the best place for this question, but I am not sure where else to put it.

Do you have more information on how the branching scenario record grades to the Canvas gradebook? Or even more information on how other activity types connect to the gradebook (such as the personality quiz)? In particular, I'm curious about:

Scientific notation, latex, etc

Greetings colleagues - My institution is new to H5P and looking for options to include formulas, scientific notation (greek letters, subscript, superscript, etc) in line with text. How have you done this? Any recommendations? We are working primarilly in Branching Scenario and Interactive Book.


