Branching Scenario

Branching Scenario - End Screen - not able to upload photo

Eliani's picture

Hi guys, I know it's still a Beta version, but good to note that even trying different picture formats in Windows and Mac, adding a picture to the End Screen is still not possible, it does not show. I'm sure this is the least of your worries before relasing the final version. Everything else works perfectly and I'm using it successfully with our online students.

Branching scenario - wrong answer


In Branching scenario we can use some question for branching. If we have let's say 3 questions and one is correct - jump to another branch, other two is incorrect. Is there a way to count the wrong answers (how many times he made the wrong decision) After let's say 2 wrong decisions I want return it to the initial slide.

I hope the writing is understandable enough

All the best,  Ivan

360 images within Branching scenarios

Read a paper which suggests this is a simple change?

It would greatly improve the use of branching scenarios if the students can look around and click on items like in a regular 360 tour.

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