Branching Scenario

Branching Scenario not installing

Hi I am getting the following error when trying to install the Branching Scenario content type. On install from the hub, it just spins. On install from uploaded h5p package, it spins until php times out (max execution time set to 300). Other content types (e.g., multiple choice) install without problems. Does the content type require additional configuration?

I am using: wordpress 5.7.2 | h5p 1.15.3 | php 8.0.3 | apache 2.4.46

Pick up where it left off in branching scenario


Hello everyone!

Is there a way to save branch scenario scores and retrieve them to start where I left off?

For example: in moodle I finished answering in the third content type which is an interactive video. After exiting moodle and returning to the branching scenario activity in question, it will pick up where it left off.

How can I do this?


Kaltura Videos in H5P content

We have been able to successfully link a Kaltura video for example in a H5P scenario branch or interactive book but the captions do not seem to appear. I know that there is an option to add a track but would anyone be able to please tell me what the best options are to ensure that the captions are visible on the video when it is played in H5P? 
