Summary score not working in Course presentation within Moodle


There seems to be some wonky behaviour in course summary score. When you refress/return to the presentation the  Score/Total changes. Is it suppose to behave like this?


Steps to reproduce the problem

1. Create course presentation

2. Add summary-activity with few choosable options.

3. Save

4. Do the summary activity, get a full score  

5. Go to the summary page -> It shows full score.

6. Refress the page or leave the presentation and come back and summary score shows 1/n.


Moodle 3.5.12 (Build: 20200511)
mod_hvp 1.20.2 2020020500
Course Presentation 1.22.0 (also e.g. 1.21.6)
(have been noticed in earlier moodle/hvp-mod combinations)

Google Chrome v. 83.0.4103.97 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Firefox 77.0.1 (64-bit)

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi riiko,

Would you mind attaching a sample content?



Here is the simple package I used to take those screenshots from.

- riiko



here is the h5p package I took those screenshots from.

- riiko

Hi, I added the hp5-file which I used to take those screenshots to the original post (testing_summary-3218.h5p).

I'm not sure if my comments are coming through, so sorry if there is several posts.

- riiko

BV52's picture

Hi riiko,

Thank you for the sample content. I've reported this to the core team and you can follow the progress here.


Hi any progress? I don't see anyone assigned to the issue. Having same problem.

Hi, is there any progress on this or a timetable when this will be fixed?

This is a major problem with teachers who are trying to follow their students progress. Is there any workaround that could be used?

BV52's picture

Hi viivi.hilden,

No progress yet. The bug report can be used to check if there are any progress on this issue since the H5P core team logs whatever work may done for this specific issue.


Hello, Any progress? I don't see anyone assigned to fix the isssue. Same problem here.

BV52's picture

Hi cfsjr007,

Sorry no progress yet. I apologize for the delay the H5P core team is but a small team and have more pressing matters they need to finish. The good thing about H5P is it is open sourced so you or anyone in the community can create the fix.


Is there a possibbility to offer funding to fix this spesific issue, and how much would it take?

BV52's picture

Hi riiko,

Yes this is possible by filling out this form. Please be advised that the development team have a full schedule until summer of next year.