Course Presentations, Keyboard Navigation, and Screen Readers

Two part question about navigating Course Presentations with keyboard controls.

1. What are the controls to navigate to content in a slide?
Details: The first time I navigate to a Course Presentation Tab moves focus to the content in the first slide. The screen reader reads the content from top to bottom. This seems right to me. For all subsequent slides, and if I return to the first slide:
Tab moves focus to the Show Keywords List button below the scroll bar.
The arrow keys only allow me to navigate between slides on the scroll bar.
Enter allows me to select a slide on the scroll bar but does nothing once I have selected a slide.
Shift+Tab allows me to access slide content, but the screen reader reads content from bottom to top.
This is a very unsatisfactory user experience. Surely there is a better way, no?

2. How can I use keyboard navigation to navigate a screen-reader to read non-interactive text in a slide that does not contain any other content types?
Details: Unless the text is attached to a link, a question, or some other interaction, I can't find any combination of keystrokes that will navigate a screen-reader to text within a slide. The screen reader can read the text, but only if I point to it with a mouse, which is useless.

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi colmflynn,

Would you mind providing the following:

  1. Browser and version
  2. Screenreader used


1. Browser: Google Chrome Version 88.0.4324.190 (Official Build) (64-bit)

2. Screen reader: NVDA

I made a mistake wording question 2. I cannot navigate to a slide which contains only plain, non-interactive text. If the slide contains an interaction I can use the keyboard to navigate to the slide content where NVDA will read both interactive and plain text.

Browser: Chrome, Version 88.0.4324.190 (64-bit)

Screen reader: NVDA

To clarify: I can navigate to a slide and read non-interacative text if - but only if - there is an interactive content type on the same slide

I seem to be having a similar problem in pages of an Interactive Book

BV52's picture

Hi colmflynn,

Sorry for the delayed response. I filed a bug report and you can follow the progress here.


Thank you. I'll keep an eye on it.