The Lumi App Missing translations for library H5PEditor.CoursePresentation Error

The Lumi App Missing translations for library H5PEditor.CoursePresentation Error

Hello. I'm new to the forum. So I want help from you in the error I got by opening a new title. I downloaded the Lumi app and also installed some tools. However, when I want to use the coursepresentation tool, I get an error "Missing translations for library H5PEditor.CoursePresentation".

My OS is Windows10 x64bit

I would be glad if you could help. 

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Hi kayaozalp,

The Lumi software was not created by the H5P core team so I suggest that you reach out to Lumi's developers through their website. You may also get a response from them here since they frequent the forums.

Tip: Edit the title of your post and indicate Lumi so that it will be easier to spot ;-)


Thank you for your answer and tip. I will try the solution you offered.