Set up H5P for Moodle
Download and install Moodle
Skip this step if you already have a functional Moodle installation.
- Download Moodle.
- Follow the usual installation instructions.

Looking for a hosting option?If you are looking for hosting option for your H5P content - try out provides hosting and LTI integration with your Moodle site.
Install the H5P plugin
1. Log in to your Moodle installation as an administrator. Under Site Administration, Plugins in the admin menu, press Install plugins and then the button labelled Install plugins from the Moodle plugins directory.
2. At this point, you may have to log into your account. Locate the H5P plugin page and press the button labelled Install now.
3. On the next screen, press the Install now link located next to the site ON WHICH you wish to install H5P.
4. You will now be redirected back to your site, confirm the installation by pressing Continue.
5. Review the install log and check for any error messages. Press Continue again.
6. Now you'll be viewing the Plugins check page. Verify that the H5P plugin has the status To be installed. Proceed by pressing the button labelled Upgrade Moodle database now. (This may take some time)
7. You should now be greeted by a message from the H5P plugin. Please take note if the content types were automatically installed, if not you will need to go through the next section, Uploading and creating content. Press Continue when you are ready to move on.
8. Verify the H5P Settings and press Save changes. The default settings should be fine for most sites.
That's it! If everything went smooth, you should now be ready to start creating H5P activities in your courses.
Create an H5P activity
- Log in as an administrator or a user that has the permission to create H5Ps inside a course
- Go to the course you wish to add the H5P content to
- Press "Add an activity or resource."
- Select H5P - "Interactive Content" and click "Add".
Finish creating or uploading your H5P content
Save the activity at the bottom of the form
Installing Manually
- Download the plugin from the H5P page.
- Visit Site administration -> Plugins -> Install plugins page (/admin/tool/installaddon/index.php).
- Select the Activity module (mod) as the Plugin type.
- Select the downloaded plugin file(zip), read and check the Acknowledgement box.
- Press the Install plugin from the Zip file button.
- Follow the process. Upgrade the database and afterwards, review and save the H5P settings page.
If you find any bugs or issues, please report them.
Let us know what you think of the plugin or if you have any suggestions for improvement.
For further info and issue tracking, check out the h5p-moodle-plugin page on GitHub.
Enjoy making rich interactive content in your favourite LMS!
Fri, 03/29/2019 - 11:43
I made this picture so it is
I made this picture so it is clearer (i think) thanks for your help!
Thu, 04/25/2019 - 16:50
missing library error message in Moodle
I successfully installed the plugin, but when I try to get content types I am getting a missing library error message for the various content types. I have tried going in to the H5p libraries and updating, but that didn't help. I am using Moodle 3.6.
Fri, 04/26/2019 - 03:51
Hi MizLiz,I created a
Hi MizLiz,
I created a separate post for you here.
Tue, 04/30/2019 - 04:16
H5p editor not loading in offline moodle
I installed the h5p in my moodle but editor is not loafloa so unable to create interactive content. Urgent help / suggestions required
Wed, 05/01/2019 - 08:34
Hi vivekctc,Do you see any
Hi vivekctc,
Do you see any error messages in the browser console?
Mon, 05/27/2019 - 11:24
Installing Moodle
I'm just discovering H5p so it's possible that i make mistakes
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 03:11
Moodle 'roll over' id in embed code does not update
In Moodle, when you create interactive content and embed it elsewhere within the same Moodle site, the embed code does not update when that unit is then 'rolled over' for the next delivery. The Interactive Content you've built gets a new id, but the embed code's id does not update, meaning you have to go into every place you've embedded H5P content and update the embed code again. Moodle is able to update activity ids for other activity types, is it possible to get the same process happening whereby Moodle scans for the embed code and the Interactive Activity, acknowledges the link and updates both in the subsequent unit?
Wed, 05/29/2019 - 10:54
Hi tsch0014,
I have not noticed this behaviour as yet, however if you're correct then you're also absolutely correct regarding auto update of filter ID's. I assume you are talking about the add-on for Moodle called "H5P filter", found here:
If you're not talking about that and just the regular embed code, then I don't think it's designed to update the embed code within content - hence why the H5P Filter exists to get around the issue (just one use of the filter), meaning you don't ever need to update the embed code, just insert a 'short code' like this within any content with the filter turned on {h5p:My interactive Video}. The filter is very simular to how short codes work on Wordpress for example.
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 08:05
Oh My Goodness!
This would totally solve our problem. But I don't think our instance of Moodle has this plugin installed, and I don't have the access to install it myself. This is such a clever solution to this problem. Big thumbs up to the developer. I've logged a request to get it done and have transformed into full pest mode until it's put in place. Some of our Moodle sites have 100+ H5Ps so every roll over costs hours of copying and pasting embed codes. Thanks for showing me the fix. Much appreciated.
Thu, 05/30/2019 - 10:29
Glad this helped you!
Hi tsch0014,
Wow, you seem very happy with my response :-) glad I could help you. In-fact the idea for a H5P Filter was first proposed by myself I believe here: H5P Filter for Moodle and a few years later someone going by the name rschrenk kindly created the H5P Filter for moodle themselves, see here: H5P Filter creation.
I've been using the filter myself and works well, as you say saving time updating over and over manually replacing embed code - this plugin completely gets around the problem.
Good luck
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 05:30
Hi stopbit,Thank you for the
Hi stopbit,
Thank you for the info. If I'm not mistaken you also answered one other post with the same suggestion I just lost my bookmarks a few days ago when my laptop got infected by a virus.
Fri, 05/31/2019 - 10:37
Hi BV52,
Sounds lik me :-) - I do appreciate the H5P Filter, amoungst other very useful features.
Thu, 06/13/2019 - 19:45
Question with formula with random parameters
Is it possible with H5P to create a question in which you ask a student to calculate a value based on randomly chosen parameters and variables which (s)he has to use in a formula? I.e. for example ask the student to calculate the area of a rectangle, given the varialbles lenght and width that each may vary between certain values and that are randomly selected?
Mon, 06/17/2019 - 05:36
Hi Richard,What you asked is
Hi Richard,
What you asked is not exactly possible. However it is possible to create quizzes with random questions an example of this is the Quiz (Question Set).
Thu, 06/20/2019 - 04:23
Hi there,Can someone help me
Hi there,
Can someone help me to resolve the below issue? System on centos 7 Moodel 3.7. Try to install manually. but I'm getting the same error. Use this command to give permission "sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/moodle/mod/". But still no luck.
There is a request to install plugin Interactive Content – H5P (mod_hvp) version 2019052100 from the Moodle plugins directory on this site. However, the location /var/www/html/moodle/mod is not writable. You need to give write access for the web server user to the location, then press the continue button to repeat the check.
Fri, 06/21/2019 - 03:45
Hi rmumr,Please check your
Hi rmumr,
Please check your server's and Moodle's security settings.
Tue, 08/20/2019 - 16:28
H5P Libraries not installed
Hi there
I have downloaded and installed the H5P plugin from the Moodle plugin page and I have followed all the steps below but when trying to add an interactive content type via the Moodle activity and all works fine, however, when I search for an activity type the content types are not there, so then I checked the Moodle administration and as it turns out there are no H5P libraries installed, I did the steps below so I would imagine that the libraries come as part of the install?
I'm on Moodle 3.7 and I have the same problem with H5P 1.8 and 1.9
Wed, 08/21/2019 - 19:19
Hi Conor,Can you please check
Hi Conor,
Can you please check if you have the Hub enabled? You should see this in the H5P settings under administration->plugins.
Wed, 08/28/2019 - 00:55
Can't create content Moodle 3.7
Hi, I have a similar problem. But I can't create any content because theres no content type on the list. Only display:
No results found
There is no content type that matches your search criteria.Hub is enabled.Please adviseRegards,BV52
Wed, 08/28/2019 - 18:45
Hi eagarciaj,Could you please
Hi eagarciaj,
Could you please check if you can upload a content downloaded from the examples page. If this doesn't work please post a separate report in the bug reports forum and include the information requested.
Sun, 10/20/2019 - 14:28
Moodle Mobile new support
about the new "Moodle Mobile" support ( I have some problems to show inline an "Interactive video".
Message "Uh oh! Your organization installed a plugin that is not yet supported..." appears and phone opens browser.
My configuration:
- Moodle: 3.6.2+ (Build: 20190124)
- Moodle Mobile app iOS: 3.7.2
- H5P Moodle plugine: 1.19.1 2019081600
- Http security flag: "allowframembedding" flagged
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
Sun, 10/20/2019 - 14:35
Moodle Mobile new support
I just wrote about having problems after many attempts, and right now, instead, it works!
Without any change, it works!
Delete my previous comment, if possible.
Thank you very much!
Mon, 10/21/2019 - 20:38
Hi Roberto,I'm glad it is
Hi Roberto,
I'm glad it is working for you now.
Note: We don't delete valid posts for future reference.
Thu, 11/14/2019 - 15:24
How to block more then one attempt
Hi, my professor wants to start using H5P in moodle for evaluative activities, however we could not find out how to make not possible to the stuent to redo the activitie so we be able to evaluate hes first attempt. Is there any way to do this?
Thu, 11/14/2019 - 22:55
Hi lucianaribeiro,I'm afraid
Hi lucianaribeiro,
I'm afraid blocking a student from retrying the content is not possible. However it is possible to capture the first attempt of students through
Mon, 01/20/2020 - 02:40
Camtasia import using Captions and chapters
We have created a lot demonstration videos/ screencasst/presentations in Camtasia that have markers for reference points and chapters, and closed captions. Is it possible to import thos into H5P?
Mon, 01/20/2020 - 19:06
Hi swinsterIf you can
Hi swinster
If you can download them as an mp4 file I don't see any reason you can't use them with H5P.
Tue, 01/21/2020 - 11:29
Indeed, the MP4 part is not
Indeed, the MP4 part is not really the issue. It's the inclusion of all the meta data, such as chapter markers (bookmarks) and Closed Captions and the like. Reading the forumns, there may be a way to export the CC from Camtasia, convert them and re-upload them to H5P, but I havn't actually done this as yet. Not sure about the markers/bookmarks though. From the Camtasia PoV, eveything is in an XML file.
Still, I have come across another more fundamental blocker for us, which is the inability to either create a question bank, or poulate and feed our LMS question bank (Moodle). Without this, I can't justify the use of H5P as we can't resue the questions, which leads to assesment in a differnt area :(. You actually answer this elsewhere (
Fri, 01/31/2020 - 23:51
Problem when try to edit or restore activity created
important information:
Moodle version: 3.7
Plugin version: 1.20.1
Hello, we have some issues with hvp plugin, we can create the activity without problems but whem we try to edit the activity created show an error message: "Error, unable to load libraries.", I try to solve it updating type cache manually but it don't solve the problem. I find in console and see this error message :
Someone know what happends and how can I solve it?
The other problem it's whem we try to restore a back up who includes H5P activity, restore all the other files (resources, documents, asigns, etc) but the H5P doesn't restore and no have message in console o moodle errors.
The 2 errors can be for same reason?
Thanks for help.
Mon, 02/24/2020 - 20:06
Hi,We face difficulties to
We face difficulties to see H5P content in the Moodle App. After installing the the moodle H5P plugin on our Moodle site, I was able to edit content. This content is visible using the Webbrowser on my laptop. However, if I use the Smartphone App I am receiving an error message like „This site is not configured properly for displaying mobile H5P content. Please contact the site administrator.”
Any idea, what settings are to be changed, or any advise is highly appreciated.
Tue, 02/25/2020 - 17:18
Hi Klemens,This article
Hi Klemens,
This article should help with this issue:
Wed, 02/26/2020 - 08:03
Frame embedding
Thank you very much indeed. Your information helped to solve the problem. I am very happy. Thank you. Klemens
Fri, 03/13/2020 - 06:45
I am working on a Moodle e-learning project for Vietnamese students. H5P provide really interactive, useful and convenient way to create an active lesson with little effort.
Fri, 03/13/2020 - 17:29
Hi derkaiser9423,I'm glad you
Hi derkaiser9423,
I'm glad you are liking it!
Sat, 03/21/2020 - 17:45
Missing translations for library core
Al instalar el plugin 1.20.2 aparece el error y no permite agregar ningún contenido
Tue, 03/24/2020 - 13:35
It is reqlly amazing. It deserves trying and it offers a practicle addition to the world of interactive utilization and requirements.
Alain Raap
Wed, 05/13/2020 - 15:16
Moodle and H5P hub not reachable
We're not able in our Moodle environment to make a connection to the H5P hub, how can we install the libraries offline and keep them up to date?
Wed, 05/13/2020 - 20:37
Hi Alain,Would you mind
Hi Alain,
Would you mind elaborating the issue. For example are you getting any error messages? You can also try to download the sample contents and upload in Moodle. This process installs libraries for the content types.
Alain Raap
Tue, 05/19/2020 - 15:32
H5P libraries offline
Our firewall blocks the request to go the H5P hub, so we can't dowload / upgrade the libraries. I already downloaded
several sample contents, but we have to update these libraries offline in the future.
Tue, 05/19/2020 - 19:55
Hi Alain,Downloading the
Hi Alain,
Downloading the sample contents in and uploading them in Moodle will also update the libraries installed within it. So the next time you need to update you can just download the sample contents again. I would suggest that you start with the more complex content types such as Column, Course Presentation, Question Set to name a few. Downloading these content types not only downloads the libraries for that content type but also the libraries of the content types and activities that you can use within them.
Fri, 05/29/2020 - 06:30
Moodle instalation
Hi, I am trying to install your plugin on our Moodle, but keep getting error. When I want to install, it says: core_plugin/corrupted_archive_structure
Any idea what went wrong?
Thu, 08/06/2020 - 15:49
Generación de archivo .h5p
Ya hice un ejemplo en este ambiente. ¿Ahora cómo genero el archivo? No encuentro la opción que me lo permita. ¿Esto es sólo para quienes pagan?
Thu, 08/06/2020 - 19:21
Hi Bejagui,You need to make
Hi Bejagui,
You need to make sure that both "Display buttons (download, embed and copyright)" and "Allow download" are both checked. You should now see the 'reuse' button under your content.
Thu, 08/06/2020 - 23:48
Para BV52
Muchas gracias. Efectivamente ese era el problema y ya quedó.
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 08:23
Video interactivo con "Más videos"
Hola, Cuando hago un video interactivo (de YouTube), al momento de detenerse para realizar una actividad, se coloca una franja con ligas a otros videos posibles para ver.
¿Alguien sabe si se pueden evitar? Gracias de antemano.
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 18:44
Hi Bejagui,I'm afraid not
Hi Bejagui,
I'm afraid not since this is not controlled by H5P, instead it is controlled by Youtube.
Thu, 11/12/2020 - 10:22
H5P doesn't work on android app
When trying to use a h5p exercise on the latest moodle-app on android, I can only read "This site is not configured properly for displaying mobile h5p content. Please contact a site administrator." What do I have to do as an administrator?
Thu, 11/12/2020 - 18:13
Hi funky,Since the H5P
Hi funky,
Since the H5P integration into Moodle mobile was created by Moodle core I think this question is best addressed in Moodle's forum.
Fri, 11/13/2020 - 09:40
Hi, for H5P to work in mobile
Hi, for H5P to work in mobile you have to enable frame embedding (allowframeembedding in config). You can see how to enable this in the Moodle mobile guide
Sat, 01/30/2021 - 11:43
Error installing H5P to moodle 3.10
I can't not install H5P on moodle. I have a verrzie moodle 3.10
Does anyone know please help me?