Bugs in new libraries
Submitted by jimenezna on Tue, 11/06/2018 - 13:06
I have updated every module in Moodle 3.3 to the new libraries and no one is working! Please help!
I have updated every module in Moodle 3.3 to the new libraries and no one is working! Please help!
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Wed, 11/07/2018 - 03:13
Hi jimenezna,Could you try
Hi jimenezna,
Could you try downloading and uploading a sample content if this doesn't work, please include the following information:
The more information you provide, the quicker the community will be able to fix it and the quicker you'll have a working solution!
Wed, 11/07/2018 - 08:26
Thanks; my moodle H5P ies
Thanks; my moodle H5P ies working now: it seems that I updated the modules libraries before updating the version. Once I did this everything is OK.
Wed, 11/07/2018 - 09:15
Hi jimenezna,I'm glad it's
Hi jimenezna,
I'm glad it's working for you now and thank you for getting back to us with the resolution this will help those that may be experiencing a similar issue.
May I know how you updated the libraries did you update it through the HUB or downloaded the libraries in github or something else? We are looking into this to prevent this from happening in the future.
Wed, 11/07/2018 - 15:48
In my moodle 3.3 I updated
In my moodle 3.3 I updated the modules whith the tag 'update available' from the hub. Later (24h.) I went to extensión section in moodle and looked for updates available. There was an upgrade of the module (hub) H5P and its is now in 1.12 version. Working fine
Fri, 11/09/2018 - 03:02
Hi jimenezna,Thank you for
Hi jimenezna,
Thank you for the information. This helps a lot :-)