Interactive Video

Interactive Video problem on Firefox 81.0.2

markcarandang's picture

Good day,

I am encountering some problems with interactive videos running on Firefox 81.0.2. The player controls are not displaying, as shown here:

You may find the interactive here:

However, it works fine in Google Chrome. Would appreciate any advice you can provide on this matter. Thank you very much!

Warm regards,

Interactive video / video

hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing great!!! I was just wondering why can't the interactive video / video web record like the mini audio recoder?? Why do we have to record and upload... it would be a great time saver with everyone moving to online learning to have a webcam recorder added!!!

Dear fnoks,

I think it is time to give us at least a beta version of the mini course content type as we start 2020 acadamic school year.. (i have been waiting now 3 years lol) A way to organize unit plans would be highly apprciated by all eductors :-)

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Javascript - Listen to YouTube player events in interactive video?


I'd like to listen to the YouTube player events ('onReady', 'onStateChange') on a page with javascript, when a YouTube video is used in the Interactive video H5P content type in WordPress. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
