Interactive Video

Interactive video - Register result

I wonder what it takes for the results of the questions in an interactive video to be registered in an LMS (Totara). I know how to set it up in our LMS. I also got it to work by putting in questions and then adding a summary. If the student then answers the questions, clicks on the star and then submits his answers, the result is registered in the LMS.

Summary slide at the beginning of interactive video and course presentation

zabelle_motte's picture


I am designing a interactive activity and in find it would be interresting to be able to put the summary slide at the beginning of an interactive video or at the beginning of a course presentation. This would enable de create a kind of game activity, while telling at the beginning "There a re 10 stars to win in this activity, will you win them all ?".

With great thanks for this wonderful interative library.



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