Interactive Video

Cannot save content


I am using H5P on Drupal 7.95. I have tried different content types (Interactive Video, Image Hotspots) and when I try to save them I get this error message: "You must choose an H5P content type or upload an H5P file."
I have tried it in Chrome and Firefox, and the result has been the same.
I have seen that other people experienced this issue in the past, but I have not found a solution for it, that is why I raise it again.
Any idea on how to solve it?

Thank you,


Problems to save content


I am using H5P on Drupal 7.95. I have tried different content types (Interactive Video, Image Hotspots) and when I try to save them I get this error message: "You must choose an H5P content type or upload an H5P file."
I have tried it in Chrome and Firefox, and the result has been the same.
I have seen that other people experienced this issue in the past, but I have not found a solution for it, that is why I raise it again.
Any idea on how to solve it?

Thank you,


interactive video not loading on iPad - EDIT: due to domain restriction?


I have created an interactive video using a vimeo video (for test purposes added youtube as well).

Staging Testsite 

It works just fine on desktop and android, but when running it on an iPad OS 16.3 (no matter if Chrome or Safari - sorry can't find the version numbers anywhere on the iPad...) it only states "The Vimeo video could not be loaded."
