Interactive Video

Interactive Video Answers

Howdy all,

I'm hyping H5P to clients because it's a great open source toolset and I love that it includes interactive video. I have a couple of questions, though about how the interactive video works.

First, we'd like to be able ask participants a question in the video and have them answer. I've figured out that we can embed a short answer question in the video and disable navigation so that participants can't skip it. But then, we hope to perhaps:

Override True/False text question within an interactive video

Hi there, unsure if this is a bug or just not possible? Currently the True/False question function allows me to override the True/False label to Yes/No, Up/Down, Left/Right etc. However, when inserting a True/False question within an interactive video why does it not give me the option to override the True/False text and have two other options like Yes/No. Thanks.

Interactive Video - documents

It would be useful to be able to include downloadable documents as an interaction in the interactive video. This would allow templates or proformas to be downloaded by students as/after discussing their use in the video itself.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
