Interactive Video

Embedding Kaltura Videos in H5P Interactive Video (Moodle)

 Hi Guys,


We were able to successfully embed our Medispace Kaltura videos in the h5p interactive video module by tinkering around the following URL.{entryId}/format/url/flavorParamId/{flavorParamId}/video.mp4

To make it work we made the following changes to the above URL:

Vimeo Link Issue

Vimeo Pro has changed how their links are formatted.  Before the links were the updated link format now does not include the .mp4 so the video fails to load. I can manualy add it to the code, but I think something may need to get updated in the interactive video module.

Found No Video Players That Supports The Given Video Format

Hi - In the last few days I've been unable to replace some of the videos in my interactive video activities. I copy from my Vimeo Pro account the video file URL and paste it in 'step 1' on the upload/embed video section as I have done for months and months with no issues. Now when I do this I get an error "Found No Video Players That Supports The Given Video Format" - I'm trying to link to content on my Vimeo account, the account is Pro so it has and should continue to support all external video sources. Any advice please?
