Translation of the Submit Screen in Interactive Videos
Is it possible to translate the texts of the Submit Screen in Interactive Videos?
I did nof find the feature...
Is it possible to translate the texts of the Submit Screen in Interactive Videos?
I did nof find the feature...
I am experiencing a problem when adding or changing a interactive video in my H5P Wordpress plugin. A new interactive video and existing interactive video can be created and opened, but I'm getting something which looks like an error. Error: [field:group:wizard:interactiveVideo]. I've added an attachment picture as well.
Hopefully someone can help me.
Kind regards,
I will also add some error messages from the console:
jquery.js?ver=1.15.0:2 Allow attribute will take precedence over 'allowfullscreen'.
Good Day
We have created an interactive video and inserted into Blackboard LMS. We have enabled the send score to LMS option to last attempt.
The submit screen does not show, how do we add this for students to be able to submit their answers?
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