Interactive Video

Problem adding/chaing interactive video


I am experiencing a problem when adding or changing a interactive video in my H5P Wordpress plugin. A new interactive video and existing interactive video can be created and opened, but I'm getting something which looks like an error. Error: [field:group:wizard:interactiveVideo]. I've added an attachment picture as well. 

Hopefully someone can help me. 

Kind regards,


I will also add some error messages from the console:


jquery.js?ver=1.15.0:2 Allow attribute will take precedence over 'allowfullscreen'.

Interactive video - navigation broken after upgrade

Navigation looks like this after latest upgrade (see attachment). Is this h5p content type broken? But it seems to be cache related problem. This is actually only plain video (without any interaction or other interactive elements). It I add f. ex. label element, it works again perfectly.

WHERE is that cache element to be deleted and h5p may regenerate css+js files again?

