speak the words

Speak the words does not work on ipad


I have created a few speak the words contents. They worked fine on the computer but they did not work on the ipad... Should it work in chrome on an ipad?

  • Hardware: ipad air 2
  • Web browser: chrome version 58.0.3029.113
  • Speak the words content are created in wordpress version 4.6.6, and H5P version 1.7.12. Then they are embedded in a moodle book, on a page.

Speech Recognition On/Off Functionality

febster's picture

In a previous bug thread I explained an issue where, if there was enough background noise...the speech recognition didn't know when to shut off. This meant that I'd have to wait an excessive amount of time, sometimes up to 1 minute to get feedback on speech. 

It would be great to require the speaker to click to start speech and also click off to end speech input. This would in theory tell Google Chrome that all speech input required has been completed and hopefully speed up the time it takes to receive feedback.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Activate Content Types

H5P is installed in Moodle at my institution, and for some reason, many of the content types are not activated. Could someone help with that?

The content types that are not activated (read: grayed out):

  • Arithmetic Quiz
  • Speak the Words
  • Personality Quiz
  • Questionnaire
  • Find Multiple Hotspots
  • Image Juxtaposition
  • Agamotto (Image Blender)

I have no idea why they would not be activated.
