speak the words

I can't use it Speak the Words and Speak the Words Set in my MOODLE


I'm trying to use it Speak the Words and Speak the Words Set on my MOODLE 3.11.16 but the activity is as if the microphone wasn't working. Is it necessary for the website to be https? I understand that it is the only thing that could be preventing the activity from working. I normally use other H5P activities.

Thank you very much in advance.

"Speak the words" in Moodle App


I work with Moodle version Moodle 3.11.6+, Moodle app version 4.2.0. and h5p version 1.23.2 (2023061200)

When inserting an H5P activity of the "Speak the Words" type and doing some tests, this activity cannot be finished in the Moodle app as the microphone does not work and, therefore, does not detect the user's voice; while in desktop or web Moodle there is no problem.

Has anyone had this problem?

Thanks for your contributions,

All the best
