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Font Issue / Problema com as Fontes

Estou com problemas na fonte do H5P, Não está mostrando corretamente como pode ser visto na imagem anexada, alguém poderia me ajudar?

"I'm having problems with the H5P font, it's not displaying correctly as seen in the attached image, could anyone help me?"

 Note from Admin: Translated using Google Translate


Is there any way to see who has editing access to an H5P activity I can't edit?

I am working in a subject/unit within my university and there are some H5P activities that none of the current team have editing/collaborating access to. I'm not sure if there's anything in the metadata which can tell me who the onwer or collaboarators are. Does anyone know if there's a way to check this? Or, is there some way H5P can add me or someone else as a collaborator to H5P activites we're trying to work on? The only way around this I can see is that we'd need to completely remake the activities we're trying to work with.

Any suggestions welcome!

Thank you :-)
