Course presentation - completion tracking in moodle

We are using H5P as an activity in moodle.

We are using the "course presentation" for cases for students to go through with a multiple choice question in the end. We have, however, found that many do not realise that they have to go to the "summary slide" for the activity to send completion information on to moodle (which then sets the activity to completed).

Fortunately, we found a setting under "behaviour settings", where we can choose to "hide summary slide". That takes out the last slide and the activity "ends" with the multiple choice, but the issue is that it does not send any completion information on to the moodle activity so it remains "not completed".

As it seems to be something happening inside the H5P, we cannot do anything on the moodle side to make it set the activity to "completed".

Thank you for your time!


Christoffer Bengt

Fabo Learning Lab

Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Christoffer,

All content H5P content types have triggers in sending the scores at the same time these triggers also sends the activity completion in Moodle. Below are some of the triggers: 

Branching Scenario - Make sure that scoring is configured please check the built in walkthrough for details

Column - Triggers are met for all activities that are included

Course Presentation - A graded activity is included and the student needs to reach the summary slide for scores to be recorded

Dictation - Check button is clicked

Drag and Drop - Check button is clicked

Drag the Words - Check button is clicked

Essay - Check button is clicked

Fill in the Blanks - Check button is clicked

Flashcards - Check button is clicked

Image Sequencing - Check button is clicked

Interactive Video - A graded activity is included and the student needs click submit in the submit screen

Mark the Words - Check button is clicked

Multiple Choice - Check button is clicked

Quiz (Question Set) - Check button is clicked for all questions and reaching the summary screen

Single Choice Set - Check button is clicked

Summary - All statements are answered correctly


Note: This list is a work in progress and may be incomplete but for the most part a graded activities trigger is the "check" button and for complex content types it's getting to the summary screen/slide.


In your case the trigger for Course Presentation is for students to reach the Summary Slide, disabling the Summary Slide in essence removes the trigger. This is also the same scenario if you enable the surface mode. My suggestion is to create a "button" in the slide prior to the Summary Slide by combining an image and a go to slide on top of it that says something in tune of click to continue or finish.