content made in Moodle - upload on a Wordpress


Is it possible to upload a H5P excercise made in the Moodle-plugin into a WordPress H5P installation?

We get an a error (see attachment)



tim's picture

Hi, could you reupload the attachment?

tim's picture

Hello Katrien,

it seems like the content type you are trying to upload requires some H5P libraries that your Wordpress installation may not have yet. 

You will need to gain permission or ask your administrator to install H5P True False and H5P Question Set. Alternatively, you could also ask your admin to upload that content type and you should be able to do it thereafter. 


If I go to the libraries in WordPress the questionset and the False/True are both installed.


tim's picture

Hi Katrien, sorry for the late response. I think that the libraries you have are 'newer' than the ones required by the H5P you're trying to import. 

The best way to get the libraries in sync is to get approval from your admin to be able to upload libraries. 

Let me know if that works. 

- Tim