word search content type

Hello everyone, I would like to request a word search feature be added to h5p, I am no coder so I am unable to do this myself but I am willing to test and give feeback I have found a working code herehttp://jswordsearch.sourceforge.net/ which is open source .. so please check it out.. I hope you will find my message convincing to give it a look.

Any help is greatly appreciated... it would be a really coool feature to add a punch of words then let the users find them??

Previously I sponsored this for quiz...


falcon's picture

Great idea, I don't think we'll be able to add it to the official H5P roadmap for the core team in the near future, there's so much that needs to be done, but maybe someone else in the community will create it?

wow a new find the word in a grid word search has been added to git hub... very exciting.. https://github.com/jithin-space/h5p-word-find-game it might need a little cleaning but it is even responsive...

Find words for clothes