Interactive Videos - No Points From Answering Questions (Moodle)

I have my students watched the interactive video modules before class, and use the completion tracking to verify they have watched the video and answered the embedded questions, i.e. the following is enabled under "Activity Completion":


Completion tracking Show activity as complete when conditions are met

Require grade ☑ Student must receive a grade to complete this activity

Expect completed on     15 October 2016   Enable ☑

However, many students have complained about receiving a low grade despite watching all of the videos.  What I have found is that the test to decide a video has been "watched" is to let the last seconds run out, and if this is not done no score is provided.   IMO this is a flawed way to mark completion. Students who watch 99% of the video and close the window thinking they are done receive no credit, but students can also still skip to the end without watching anything to get it marked, so this requirement does not actually provide any verification.

Is there a way to make the credit contingent on having answered the embedded questions by a certain date instead? And is there any way to extract information on the expired questions not marked "complete" so that I can give credit to students who did not receive it?

Thanks for any help.

thomasmars's picture

Hi, I agree that this is rather confusing and unintuitive.

Do you think the Interactive Video score should update every time the user gets a new score on a interactivity ?

There is no way currently to make the credit contingent by a certain date and there is no way to extract the information on the expired questions not marked "complete" as far as I know, unless you had "save content state" enabled, in which case they could restore their session and complete the video to make the score correct. Sorry about this. It is a bit of a challenge to say when an Interactive Video is actually 'completed', when do you think it should be ? And do you think the Interactive Video should only evaluate the interactivities that the user has actually attempted, or all the interactivities that live inside an Interactive Video ?

Thank you very much for the response.  That answers all my questions.

<blockquote>Do you think the Interactive Video score should update every time the user gets a new score on a interactivity</blockquote>
In my opinion it would be enough if there was clear feedback to the user on the state of their answers.  "You are 30% complete with this activity."  "Are you ready to mark this activity as complete and submit your score?" "Your present score for this activity is 0.00%. It must be completed by".  Maybe even if there was some banner that appeared after they login saying what things with upcoming due dates still require action on their part.

<blockquote>It is a bit of a challenge to say when an Interactive Video is actually 'completed', when do you think it should be ?</blockquote>
For my purposes, I want them to come to class prepared so that my time in class is spent clarifying and not re-teaching the material, so it's kind of enough to check that they've "done something" with the videos, even just opening them.  (If students are gaming that they probably have no intent of watching the videos anyway.)  But answering questions makes sure they have at least some grasp of the content, and if they achieved that familiarity by some other means (reading the book or taking a previous course), then it's not a huge issue if they've skipped through some parts of the video.  I could simply do a quiz at the end, but the advantage of embedded questions is it makes it easier to digest the material in pieces and helps keep them attentive for the full duration.

In any case, it seems like partial completion should be an option, whether that measures the time the video plays or the amount of interactive content attempted.

<blockquote> And do you think the Interactive Video should only evaluate the interactivities that the user has actually attempted, or all the interactivities that live inside an Interactive Video ?</blockquote>
For my purposes I would like them to attempt all the interactivities.  I presently make 75% of the grade completion (having non-blank scores for each activity), and 25% the actual points, but the only interactive content I use in the activities is multiple-choice questions.  If there was a separate completion score provided, or if there was scoring information on the individual components of the activities, people such as myself could choose how to apply it in their gradebrooks.

thomasmars's picture

Thank you for your in depth elaboration on how you are using Interactive Video, it is very useful to hear about the different needs of different authors of Interactive Video. Some wants to tailor the experience by only guiding the user through some interactions, or through the content that they have not learned yet, while some wants a more linear experience where the user should watch the whole video.

There is a lot of things to consider, but I think the H5P community together can overcome this to provide an excellent experience for all users. Hopefully Interactive Video will be able to provide the necessary functionality that you need in order to evaluate your students in this way soon.

- Thomas

I know this is an older post, but I found it while searching for something else - and might have something to add. If the video lends itself to this, you could add a text box (for a second or two, as a full-screeen poster, with the video paused) at the point near the end where a student might be tempted to exit early, and have a click jump to the last second of the video.
