

I was wondering if the log with results can be flushed and what toll it takes on disk space of site load time or whatever other storage requirement it may have.

Thanks for the great work you're doing!


thomasmars's picture

The database stores one result per content per user, then updates the results in order to take up minimal disk space.

There are no convenient tools for flushing the results table, you would have to access the database to do this.


Thank you very much for yr fast answer. Is there any way, though, to deactivate the logging of results?


thomasmars's picture

To my knowledge there is no way of deactivating logging of results. May I ask why you would want this ?

Thank you Thomas.

Of course I understand that logs are a useful tracking tool for teachers/students. Reason for deactivating logging of results is not to impose too heavy toll on server resources. If I post online say 50 fill-the-gap exercices to be completed by a pool of 500 students, this means 25000 logs, right? I suppose this is a real burden in terms of server resources even if the logs are text only. Is that right?

Thank you again.



thomasmars's picture

I'm no expert on server resources or operations, but I believe 25000 logs/rows would not impose a significantly heavey toll on a server. This of course depends on your server resources. Regarding disk space 25000 logs would in the worst case of using the full available value of each row take up 25000 logs * 6 rows * 4 bytes = 600kb.

If you are intent on disabling the logging you can set H5PIntegration.postUserStatistics to false when H5PIntegration object has been initialized (all h5p scripts has loaded). You can see it in the source code of h5p core library.

Best regards,


All right, Thomas, your argument is convincing. Thank you for taking the time to inform me and also suggesting a solution. Really appreciate it.

