Subtitles encoding problem in interactive video
Submitted by lepsid on Sat, 03/08/2025 - 10:01
Dear all, I created WEBVTT subtitle file and inserted in interactive video. The languge is French. However, non English charachters are not shown properly. like "é" "ê" "à" and so on.
You can see an example here:
Do you have any idea how to fix this?
Thank you
Sat, 03/08/2025 - 11:19
Update: I found the cause of
Update: I found the cause of the problem. The subtitle file was encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. So, saving a WEBVTT file as utf-8 solved the problem.
Mon, 03/10/2025 - 18:20
Hi lepsid,I'm glad that you
Hi lepsid,
I'm glad that you were able to resolve this issue and thank you for sharing the resolution to community.