Virtual Tour as an Escape Game


I was thinking that adding to the great new content type "Virtual Tour (360)" these features:

1)to be able to turn the transparency of the icons (arrows, questions, pictures, etc.) up to 100%

2)to ask "Fill in the Blanks Questions" (aside of the multiple choice)

3)to change the orientation of the arrows (in order to make them pointing in the right spatial direction on the picture- to the left, to the right, "back" pointing to self)

4) and to create a dependency between icons (an icon shows up only in case of a right answer to an another question)

would turn this content in a terrific tool to easely create pedagogical online escape games, with a "find hidden object" feel (because of the icons made invisible to the user: you have to find some hidden riddles), and some codes to fill in (codes resulting of some pedagogic work by the students).

Keep good working,




Icons Transparency and Fill in Question in Virtual Tour(360) as an Escape Game
Content types: 
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture


Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.




Thanks for your answer: with the current "Escape Game" trend in education I hope these four little tweaks to easely convert the "Virtual Tour" activity into a virtual escape room will gain some votes !

Best regards,



As proposed in the main text, I would really appreciate these features that are already proposed by the site Genially to create escape rooms.

Thank you.

I can't agree more on this. The possibility to use H5P as an escape game creator would mean a great deal for many instructionnal designers. I am currently creating an escape game about FOSS to promote FOSS in education, but I can't find an alternative to Genially or Articulate that fits the bill. H5P has to be the contender on this topic, as it already has most of what's needed, especially branching scenarios and Virtual tours.

otacke's picture

NDLA released a content type called "Escape Room" ...

How do i get the latest v0.6.0 version of this? And do you know if they will officially release this in the near future? It is one of the best and fun h5p there is. I'm kinda sad that it is not completely yours, because you would made it even more amazing just like you do with your h5p gamemap content. :D