Subject: Interactive book – shaking/jittering of content when images present, depending on window size

To reproduce

Using an interactive book with an image present, on certain window sizes and perhaps resolutions the interactive book content starts to shake. This seems to happen with different image sizes and aspect ratios, occasionally expanding an accordion section triggers the shaking as it seems to make a minor adjustments to content width.

To reproduce have an interactive book with an image and adjust browser window size and it might trigger the shaking (video example). I have some students who have their browser maximised and that seems to trigger it (they might be using a screen resolution lower than mine), but I could reproduce by experimenting with window size.

Video example

The video example does not show the most severe occurances where is shakes/jitters very fast.


Moodle 4.4.4 on Desktop. We use a custom Moodle theme but I have also reproduced using the Moodle base theme Boost.


This is happening in Chrome (v132) and Edge (v132) on Windows 10.

H5P plugin version

H5P Plugin Version: 2024042200

Interactive Book - versions 1.11.3, 1.9.2, 1.7.12 present in the installed H5P libraries.

Any browser console errors

No console errors


Content types: 

  • The bug also manifests on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on MacOS.
  • The bug also manifests on Moodle 4.5.(1+) with no additional themes.
  • If the book contains at least two pages, the switch from and back to a page containing any image (even in, e.g., Drag & Drop) seems to force the jittery behaviour.
  • Jitter can be stopped by selecting/highlighting elements using the browser Dev Tools.