Interactive Video (No Wrong Answers)

Is there is a way to set no wrong answers on an interactive video? These are self-reflection questions, so they can't be scored.

no wrong answers
BV52's picture


You can use Free text question, it provides an open ended question that does not have a score/correct answer. Additionally, you can use Multiple Choice by having all answers as correct, and then behavioural settings as follows:

  1. Enable 'Give one point for the whole task'
  2. Pass Percentage is set to 0


Thank you! Where is the Free Text option? I did not see it in the interactions. I see, label, text, link image, statement, single choice set, multiple choice, true/false, fill in the black, drag and drop, mark the words, drop the words, crossroads, navigation hotspot, and multimedia choice.  Is it in another place? Do you have to change the behavior settings on one of these?

I read on another forum that you have to enable something called "LRS-dependent content types." How do you or can you do that with a WordPress site? Thank you for your help!

BV52's picture

Hi PreventionREP,

You are correct you need to enable "Enable LRS dependent content types". You can find this by going to settings -> H5P and it should be under "content types".