Essay H5P grading problem
So I love the Essay activity. I tried to adapt it for my students to do a translation activity. They watch a minute of video in ASL, then provide an English written translation of 100-500 characters. I ran into problems though. The scoring does not work right. I have 6 keywords - each keyword worth 1 point so total of 6 - The keywords are: Lundberg, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, school, superficial* and forward.
But H5P gives a score of 4.8 / 4.8 when they are all inputted. I also tried to add more keywords but the scoring was always off. I was going to try and look into the code to see if I can find out why....but I am not a coder so I am a bit hesitant.
Here is the activity -
Any help would be appreciated
Sun, 05/19/2024 - 11:51
You will have to make your
You will have to make your shared content public, otherwise it's not accessible for others.
Apart from that: My best guess is that you set the mastering percentage to 80% resulting in a maximum possible score of 4.8 (4.8/6 = 0.8). The mastering percentage is not a value that's evaluated in H5P(.Question)'s scoring function, so in order to indicate to the user that a full score was achieved (and the exercise is passed), one needs to adjust the maximum score.
Thu, 01/09/2025 - 12:04
Essay grading scored incorrectly.
I also have this problem. I have 10 keywords each should be counted once for a total of 10 points. If I use all the keywords correctly I only get 7. . mastering is set at 100 and pass is set at 100. I've attached the .h5p file. Below is a sample essay that covers all 10 points. The feedback that I get is that "yes" I've correctly used all 10 keywords, but I can never get more than 7/10.
"Performance Management starts with goal setting, where a team or an organization sets down its goal. This is effectively done at the top management level. This is followed by a detailed planning session to arrive at all the targets and goals that the group needs to achieve. In my role, I would take charge and own this plan. To make planning effective, I will include my whole team in it. My job will then be to communicate the plan to everybody and continuously evaluate everybody to make sure the plan gets implemented and everybody contributes to the overall goal of the team and the organization. I would make sure that the compensation and rewards systems are linked to the attainment of goals. Where people need training to achieve the organization's goals, I will have to make sure that happens for continuous improvement."
Thu, 01/09/2025 - 12:14
The trick to solving the
The trick to solving the riddle is to be able to answer your own essay questions correctly! This example answer now correctly scores the essay problem I submitted earlier.
Performance Management starts with goal setting where a team or an organization sets down what it wants to achieve. This is effectively done at top management level. This is followed by a detailed planning session to arrive at all the targets and goals that group needs to achieve. In my role, I would do monitoring take charge and own this plan and continuously give feedback. To make planning effective, I will include my whole team in it. My job will then be to communicate the plan to everybody to overcome resistance to change and continuously evaluate everybody to make sure the plan gets implemented and everybody contributes to the overall goal of the team and the organization. I would make sure that the compensation and rewards systems are linked to the attainment of goals. Where people need training to achieve the organization's goals, I will have to make sure that happens for continuous improvement.