Interactive Book: Restrict Page Progression Until Tasks Are Completed

We propose a feature that gives educators the option to choose whether users must complete tasks on the current page before they can open subsequent pages in the ILIAS Interactive Book module. This option would provide full control over pacing and task sequencing, allowing educators to foster engagement and ensure thorough learning. When enabled, this feature ensures learners complete essential activities before progressing, making it especially valuable for structured, content-intensive courses.

We’re prepared to fund and implement this feature.

Restrict Page Progression Until Tasks Are Completed
Content types: 
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Hello !

May I suggest that you reach out to Oliver Tacke at Snordian : he's a top skilled freelance developer who knows H5P really really well and has already developped tons of features / content-types for H5P as a contractor.



Hello Isabelle,

In fact we have contacted Oliver because we see it exactly like you do and he will implement this for us. But thanks anyway.

