Impossible to delete ranges with drag the word


I use H5P from Moodle (4.2.1). When using the Drag the activity there is by default 8 score ranges for feedback. I don't need feedback and I'm enable to delete any of this range. There is a message in order to add a number and a value, but even after having done that I can't delete any range by clicking on the "delete" button (the ranges remain).

Any idea of what the problem is please ?



Content types: 
BV52's picture


Which platform are you using? I was able to delete these without any issues.


papi Jo's picture

You write "When using the Drag the activity there is by default 8 score ranges for feedback. "

No, by default when you create a new Drag the Words activity there is only ONE (empty) score range! There seems to be something strange on your screen capture. Could you export that H5P Drag the Words activity to your reply so we can examine it?

@BV52 The OP did mention they were using Moodle.

BV52's picture

Hi Papi Jo,

Thank you for pointing that out (I guess I was reading without actually reading). I am unable to reproduce the issue in Moodle either.

@e-studie in addition to what Papi Jo said even with those feedback there blank or otherwise the content can still be saved and will still work as expected.



Thanks BV52.

Indeed I can save it like this. But then there is no button to "submit" (cf. screenshot).

BV52's picture

Hi e-studie,

It looks like this content may have corrupted files. When I upload your content in it won't load at all. On the other hand if I use Moodle core integration or the plugin I can get to the editor but unable to edit the brahavioural settings. Can you try using the file that I attached to see if it will work or create the content from scratch.


Thanks for your answer. Here is the file.

When I create the activity there are still 8 ranges by default (I've tried again and confirm :))

papi Jo's picture

I have downloaded your H5P file: drag-the-words-200.h5p and can confirm that the Check button is not displayed. It seems that your H5P file got corrupted in some way (don't know how you did, but your H5P file does not contain any reference to the overallFeedback field, which causes the problem.

I am attaching a "clean" version of your content, which should work.

I am attaching a "clean"
