Speak the word


I can't seem to find the content "Speak the word set", which was the whole idea behind trying out H5p. I have access through another service I'm trying out, but it seems odd that it's not on H5p's own list of content tools.

I really  hope that someone is able to help. This fuction is key to getting my boss to buy H5p :)

Kind regards

Jonas (Denmark)


Speak the word
BV52's picture

Hi Jonas,

I assume you either have a license for H5P.com or a trial account. Some content types are not enabled by default in H5P.com. To enable them you need to go to Manage Organization -> Settings -> Content type settings. You need administrator rights to access Manage Organzation.

If you need further assistance you can reach our Customer Success team by sending an email to [email protected]


Thanks. That did the trick :-)