Video interaction problem with the "Single Choice Set" and summary


I have a problem which happens quite often to some  of my students.
We have set an "interactive video" with a "Single Choice Set" ,

when the student is wrong  its shows a the bar of brogress 1/0 and  blue "Continue" button on the write (see image).

when the student click is  he suppose to see in the star summary icon the green button of submitting the answer, but it's not there (see another image)
but nothing happened and he stuck in the same place over and over even after refresh or waiting.

please see images to undestand the problem.

what can I so to make it work even if they are wrong? and to have the submit button in the star sammary?

it this a known bug?

I even ayyached some settings of this "Single Choice Set"

thank you for you help



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BV52's picture

Hi mikialliel,

It would help a lot if you can also attach a sample content so that we can check.


Thank you for the reply

this is the content 

for example here it happend to some students

BV52's picture

Hi mikialliel,

Thank you for sharing your content. I am unable to reproduce the issue that you described. I think the students are not answering the question. This line "שאלה/ות נענו" if I'm not mistaken means "answered question" and in one of your screenshots it shows zero.


I'm sending another live example 

the student for sure answered the question then click "continue" see image, then he  got to the end to the "star"

and as you can see there is no green button to submmit  as it supose to be.
why? :(

BV52's picture

Hi mikialliel,

I'm afraid I do not have any idea why this is happening as I am unable to reproduce the issue. Maybe you can try disabling browser add-ons and clearing browser cache.