Random numbers in tasks

Hello everybody

I am quite new to this although I have create some h5p content using Lumi and then sharing it with my students via OneNote.
As a physics teacher I have one question: Does anybody know if there is any possibility to somehow "individualize" quizzes. 
For example I have a multiple choice quiz and I don't want all of my students to do exactly the same quiz, but the same questions just with different numbers. I have seen a lot of students just copying the answers from their peers and thus not really making progress. If any random number generator could change numbers just slightly, this would be a huge benefit.

Does anybody have any idea?

Thanks a lot in advance


BV52's picture

Hi Klaus,

Unfortunately, randomizing the answers shown is not possible. The only option avaible is the order of answers that are displayed. If I may suggest a workaround you can use Quiz (Question Set) and then enable the "Randomize questions" option, and set a "Number of questions to be shown". For example you have 15 questions and will only show 10 questions. This way students will have a harder time sharing the answers to each other.