Display two different contents side by side


First I have to say: I'm an absolute newbie. I met H5P accidently when I was looking for interactive exercises to teach the german language to foreigners. (And I like it).

Just now, I am teaching the german numbers. My issue to be solved is the following:

I want to combine a "Fill in the blanks" content with an audiofile in the same line

Until now the exercise looks like attachment_1.jpg but i would like it to look like attachment_2.jpg

Isn't it possible??

Thanks for any support.








Content types: 

To combine a "Fill in the Blanks" content with an audio file in the same line using H5P, you can use the "Interactive Video" or "Course Presentation" content types. Here's how you can achieve a layout similar to your desired outcome (as described in your attachments):

Using "Interactive Video":

  1. Create an Interactive Video:

    • Start by creating a new "Interactive Video" content.
    • Upload your video or use a placeholder if you don’t have one.
  2. Add Fill in the Blanks:

    • Click on the desired timestamp on the video where you want to add the interactive content.
    • Select "Fill in the Blanks" from the available interactions.
    • Enter your text with blanks and configure the correct answers.
  3. Add Audio:

    • Add an "Audio" interaction either before or after the "Fill in the Blanks" interaction at the same timestamp.
    • Upload your audio file.
  4. Positioning:

    • Adjust the positioning of the "Fill in the Blanks" and "Audio" interactions to be close to each other on the video screen.

Using "Course Presentation":

  1. Create a Course Presentation:

    • Start by creating a new "Course Presentation" content.
    • Choose the number of slides you need.
  2. Add Fill in the Blanks:

    • On your desired slide, add a "Fill in the Blanks" content type.
    • Enter your text with blanks and configure the correct answers.
  3. Add Audio:

    • On the same slide, add an "Audio" content type.
    • Upload your audio file.
    • Position the audio player next to the "Fill in the Blanks" activity.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Log in to your H5P environment.

  2. Create a new content type:

    • Navigate to "Create new content".
    • Select "Course Presentation" or "Interactive Video" from the list of content types.
  3. Fill in the Blanks Setup:

    • For "Interactive Video": Click on "Add Interactions", then select "Fill in the Blanks".
    • For "Course Presentation": Click on the "Add" button and choose "Fill in the Blanks".
  4. Audio Setup:

    • For "Interactive Video": Add another interaction at the same timestamp, select "Audio" and upload your file.
    • For "Course Presentation": Click on the "Add" button and choose "Audio".
  5. Adjust the Layout:

    • Drag and position the "Fill in the Blanks" and "Audio" interactions next to each other to achieve your desired layout.
  6. Save and Preview:

    • Save your content and preview it to ensure the layout matches your expectations.

By following these steps, you should be able to create an interactive exercise where the audio file and "Fill in the Blanks" content are displayed together, similar to your desired outcome in attachment_2.jpg.

Thank You very much.

I have found the  Course Presentation by myself. It works, but as my "pupil" only uses a smartphone, the result ist not so satisfying  (as You cannot edit the  the Course Presentations format it is always in landscape).

The interactive video does not offer selecting audios .


Anyway:Thank you

