Newbie with a functionality question (user/pass functionality)
I've been pointed at H5P by an instructor colleague, who is interested in using to enrich her class presentations.
I am a software dev myself (front-end: HTML/JS/CSS) but this looks intriguing for my personal purposes as well. I like to make little stand-alone microsites for various purposes, hosted in my own domain - some I share with the public, some I just use myself. (Playing with such tools will also help me learn H5P so I can help my colleague to author her content.)
My question is this: amongst the various content features and widgets, is there a user/password authentication widget? I don't mean when I'm building projects behind the scenes, I mean public-facing - when I'm using that content.
For example: Say I wanted to use the accordian tool to make myself a shopping-list applet that I could then access personally. I might want to add to that list on-the-fly (say, on my phone, while shopping) without going into the authoring tool. I wouldnt want others to be able to edit the list, only those who have access, so I'd password protect it. Is such a widget part of the toolbox? I did not see one.
Wed, 03/27/2024 - 20:37
No, there is not.And your use
No, there is not.
And your use case rather sounds like something that you'd want to build on your platform (restrict access to H5P content in general).
Even if you had some way to set a password in some H5P content type, given that H5P content runs on the client only, it's a piece of cake to retrieve the password. I know, for your personal use case, this may not be a blocker, but I wanted to point this out anyway.