Recording not uploading - Moodle

A student using Safari browser on apple gets this error when wanting to upload a recording. It is on Moodle.

"Access to microphone is not allowed in your browser since this page is not served using https. "

Can you please advise what we can do.

Is it a problem on the administrator's side or her computer settings. It works for all the other students.


BV52's picture

Hi Jollie 10,

This is usually caused by the browser blocking the microphone from accessing the site/page which includes the content. Usually there is a small pop-up right around the address bar asking you if you want to allow the microphone to access the page. If this is not showing, this can accessed in the settings. I'm not sure exactly where to change this in Safari but in Chrome it is under privacy and security. All the student needs to do is allow access to the microphone for your site.