Video recorder
Submitted by carles_ on Wed, 02/07/2024 - 20:57
Hello everyone!
I'm a Trumpet teacher trying to digitalize my classroom with Moodle. That's how I discovered H5P and its potential to improve engagement in online activities. In my field, I find the "Audio Recording" activity very interesting, but I'm missing some visual information, such as posture, cheek holding, embouchure, and so on. Since I'm a newbee, the feature may exist but I couldn't find it. However, would it be possible to develop a "Video Recorder" to receive videos from the students?
Thanks for helping out!
Wed, 02/07/2024 - 21:39
H5P (currently) is not
H5P (currently) is not suitable for what you have in mind. It lacks a video recording content type on the one hand and the ability to upload user files to the server.