Drag & Drop text shows correct answers as incorrect

Drag & Drop text shows correct answers as incorrect and gives only one point for the whole exercise, altough the setting is set to multiple points being given when an exercise is done correctly. 

papi Jo's picture


There is no "Drag & Drop text" H5P activity. Do you mean  "Drag and Drop" or "Drag the Words"?

And there is no way to help you just looking at a screenshot. Please attach your H5P content to your answer so we can examine it and try to help.

otacke's picture


It's clear from the screenshot that this is a Drag&Drop exercise, but papi Jo is right. In this case, it's best to attach the respective content to a comment or to share a link to the content so one can check it.


Hi otacke,

thank you very much for your answer. Here's the link to the page where the Drag&Drop is online. I don't know, ho to export the htp-File, I'm sorry ...

Thank you for your efforts!

best greetings,

otacke's picture


The problem here simply is that you have not configured the exercise correctly (in two different ways).

You will

  1. need to define what dropzone a draggable can be dropped on: Click on each draggable and select all dropzones. Otherwise, you give away the correct answer, because each draggable will only be able to be dragged to the one dropzone that you have selected before. That may be intended in some cases, but possibly not in yours.
  2. need to define what draggable is correct when dragged to a dropzone: Click on each dropzone and select the draggable with the correct answer. It's possible to select multiple draggables, because more than one answer can be correct, but not in your case.

Please have a look at H5P Group's tutorial on Drag and Drop or a German tutorial video on H5P Drag and Drop if you prefer.

The score of 1 is correct for your given (mis-)configuration. If there is no correct answer set (as in your case), Drag and Drop assumes that realizing that and not dragging anything anywhere is the purpose of the exercise and will reserve one point to be achieved in total. Since you in fact have dragged something somewhere (which would be a wrong choice given your configuration), one would still expect a final score of 0 - no answer is set to be correct, but you have also deactivated penalties for wrong answers.


Thank you, Oliver, for the extremely helpful reply - I had forgotten to reconfirm the selection for the target fields. Now everything is set correctly and the score is also correct. THANK YOU for your help!

Best regards from Vienna and all the best!

Hi papi Jo, 

here's the link to the page where the Drag&Drop is online. I don't know, ho to export the htp-File, I'm sorry ...

Thank you for your efforts!

best greetings, Barbara

papi Jo's picture

It seems that you have not carefully followed all the steps described in the Drag & Drop tutorial.

Try again!

If you have the necessary rights on your platform, you can make your H5P Drag & Drop exercise available for Download. Or ask your administrator.

BV52's picture


You can also check this short video on how to create a Drag and Drop activity with multiple Draggables and multiple Drop zones.